Monday, November 14, 2011

Mow, Brrrppp, Ahbelle


I wanted to take a moment, before the terrible two's send me straight to the asylum, to reflect on Beau's terribly cute side. In one month Beau will be two years time flies. It seems like just yesterday Evan and I were in the hospital looking at each other like "OMG, he won't be quiet and we have to take him home all by ourselves" so... really not much has changed. The big difference now is that he is mobile and is building a strange vocabulary.

What Beau says:
So most of the time I feel like an utter failure as a foreign language teacher considering the fact that I cannot for the life of me decipher my son's ongoing diatribe. It took me two weeks to figure out that "Joe" was actually Jonathan and not a tree. Evan finally let me in on the fact that "Nigh" meant nine which refers to the Barenaked Ladies song "7 ate 9". Oh, and don't let him try to youtube that is quite racey. A horse is "Brrrppp" and that refers to Rookie, our neighborhood communal horse. Right after we see Brrrppp he wants to find "Ahbelle", Abel, the neighbor's dog. No sooner has he set eyes on Brrrppp and Ahbelle, he wants to mow. That word he knows... MOW. Usually it comes out like this "Ionah mow" which I figure is "I wanna mow." He quickly learned the word "gahs" or gas since Evan kept using that as his go-to excuse not to have to mow daily. Now, when we say "Not today" he replies "Gahs" as in go get some. Every single morning we say "Rowr, rowr." which means he wants to make smoothies in the blender. Now he runs into the kitchen and says hi to rowr, rowr.

Here's a morning/afternoon/evening in the life:
Beau: Rowr, rowr?
Us: In the morning/Get out the fruit.
Beau: Ionah mow.
Us: Not today Beau.
Beau: Brrrppp.
Us: Horse? Yes, Dada will take you to see the horse later/The horse is asleep(eating, napping).
Beau: Ahbelle.
Us: As soon as we get home you can see Abel./Beau, Abel is sleeping (eating, napping).
Beau: Moose?
Us: Moose is not on now.
Beau: Beau?
Mama: Go ask Dada.

Now, the last "Beau" can be replaced with "Nine" at any given moment ("Beau" refers to Evan's phone as does Moose and Nine). He wants to see every picture and video of Baby Beau. It's a crap shoot as to which one exactly he wants to see and there's screaming until it's found. Other videos have names such as "Na na na na" (a game he and Dada made up) and Roawr (Geaux Tigers...Roar).

When riding in the car, he points out red (the color of the trees), moon (especially if it's night), and bus (whether or not he sees one driving or parked).

What Beau does:
Lately Beau is quite the artist. Equipped with his favorite crayon of the moment he spends time creating masterpieces on paper (mostly squiggly lines). If I leave the paper out long enough I am reminded of Joan Miro or maybe Jackson Pollack(like when he grinds the crayon into the paper). A few times he has grown tired of his current medium and proceeded to color: the door, the lampshade, the floor, the cat(more of an attempt), the sofa, his bowl...the list grows daily. Thank you Washable Crayolas. He has, on occasion, sampled his crayons as witnessed by black or green marks on his face and teeth. I figure he gets so into his creation that it overtakes him or that Crayola makes a mighty fine snack. Thank you Non-Toxic Washable Crayolas. You would think this might deter Evan and I from ever letting him go near a crayon again...alas no, we are gluttons for punishment.
Van Beau

"This is like taking candy from babies"

As I said he is mobile...folks, that's an understatement. The kid is balls-to-the-wall full out 100% of the time. He routinely runs through the house in socks on hardwood taking corners at break neck speed...this has led to him learning to stop by sliding on his knees or barely missing walls. He goes 50mph on his trike and 4 wheeler...Heaven forbid a wall or piece of furniture hinder his progress through the house. He moves chairs to get to the fire and knives in the kitchen. He tries to scale the tv stand in order to get a better view. He swan dives off of slides, sofas, beds (he actually doesn't try to dive...he tries to fall doesn't work). Outside he knows the words "road" and "dangerous"...not that he understands that the road is dangerous.

Best playmate ever!

Bend it Like Beau

Just when I think the tantrums might send me into a tailspin he says "Night night mama" while he plays with my hair and everything is right with the world.