Wednesday, January 13, 2021

And Then There Were Two

It's been awhile, and by awhile I mean something like 9 years. There's an explanation...a decent one. We had Bebe number two *enter center stage Cooper Frost Manderson. Takes bow aaand continues to stand there. Beau traipses over and drags him offstage* That's legit been nine years of our lives.

We've spent nine years...nine fucking years trying to keep this child alive. It has been no easy feat. We nicknamed him the runner as soon as he could walk. We bought squeaky shoes so we could hear him. We've played referee on the daily keeping his brother from killing him because he just *loves him to death*. 

I've army crawled out of his room at night only to see him staring at me like, "Nice try mommy, now get over here and lay on the floor like a good dog."

I've lost him. His grandmother lost him. Pretty sure his dad did too but he would never tell after my coniption fit at not being able to find him. I don't think their grandmother even knew they were lost truth be told.

We've battled the: not that blue plate, the green one. I'm not drinking out of that. No jeans mom. The shirt just isn't comfy. You cut the sandwich wrong, I can't possibly eat it now. That's the wrong color.

Now big brother Beau is standing in the wings waiting to be tagged in at a moment's notice because he's thought out the demise of this little annoying child. His cherubic face says, "Just say the word and you won't have to worry about him again."

Enter stage left- the therapist. Ma'am he may kill him, maybe not because he loves him. He plays with him, but there are moments when we quirk a brow. To our relief, and many hundreds of dollars spent; the conclusion was reached that they are just normal boys.

So I leave you with this dear readers, what in the hell are they going to do next? They are clever, smart, intelligent, handsome, and the little one is gifted. Now we hear them whisper about us. I'm looking forward to all of the craziness, because I love my BEAUtiful boys!