Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'd like to thank God...

Muchisimas gracias to Lisa for this award! She's the one who encouraged me to start this blog, shares my obsessions (ie vampires and polygamy), laughs at my neurosis, and is a fantastic writer...check her out!

In keeping with the rules of the award I must tell seven things about here goes:

  1. I was almost mugged by a gypsy in Spain. Thankfully she palmed my passport with my cash which led me to scream as though I had been stabbed, grab her arm, and shake her viciously (like Kay used to do to me when I forgot to tell her about reports on clouds that were due the next day). Crisis averted...she dropped everything, cursed me in Spanish and left. Lesson? Never take flowers from a strange lady b/c you think she's being nice to dumb American tourists.

  2. I used to work in a place where the READING COACH for the DISTRICT pronounced Thailand ...THIGHland and so now every time I see that word I can no longer pronounce it correctly. The same goes for pahcawn (popcorn), guhrbils (gerbils), and the infamous li-berry (see Lisa's post on this). Basically, I feel dumber for having worked there...thank you RC...thank you very much!

  3. My first day of high school in Iowa I saw a sign over the gym door that said "No Pop in Gym" and I sat there pondering it for like an hour. I couldn't figure out if you weren't supposed to "pop" your gum in there or maybe yell "pop" or something. I felt pretty dumb when days later I found out pop meant soda.

  4. When I interned as a teacher my university supervisor was also a congressman from Louisiana AND a friend of my grandfathers which meant that instead of being observed a bizillion times he came once and was all..."Yeah...Congress is going into session here pretty soon and I was going to take a vacay so...You're good. Here you go." So hopefully I don't suck at teaching all that much!

  5. If my house is clean when you come over, it's because I was expecting you...or the Queen. I'm not ashamed to say that I'd rather hang out with my family than clean. I'd also rather sleep, watch movies, shop, play badminton, have a surgery, etc.

  6. I am a neurotic first time mom...alert HLN and CNN (ps-HUGE crush on Anderson Cooper who I can only assume is gay). Lisa said this the other day "I am worried that a bird is going to fly in your yard and you are going to freak out that Beau has bird flu." I laughed and then thought...weeeellll, IF the bird looks sickly enough...

  7. Ok, so this one is kind of heavy, but here goes...I wake up at night with this thought...does my dad get a chance to catch my blog in heaven? If he does, does he laugh? Does he roll his eyes? Does he see the pics? Sometimes when I send out the update email I still send the updates to his email address just in case.

Here are some other blogs that I absolutely love:

The Sassy Curmudgeon- If you are from the South(MS specifically) and like football read "Pimp My Mascot"
Jen on the Edge- Not ashamed to tell the world she finally heard Lady Gaga for the 1st time on 3/1...Really?
Riley's Ramblings- can't wait to read her book...when I get a moment

Jennsylvania- for all of you who wonder why Evan, Lisa, and I scream Steeeeve Perry at each other.

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