Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thor the Child-god of Anger

We just returned from Spring Break 2010...WOOOO-HOOOO! Well, this used to be the case (the woooo-hoooo part referring to partying on the beach with way young college crowd at Panama City Beach) until we became parents. Now we're all, woooo-hoooo we got to nap because Granny is on duty!

So the wooo-hooo part, not so wooo-hooo due to the fact that you'll never guess who was sick? Give up? EVERYONE...and it began with me. Nice, right? I got sick and gave my cold to Beau who gave it to Evan, who passed it on to Granny, and Granny has most likely infected every other Buie in the Parish. Due to the fact that everyone and my brother has janked on me for running to the doc every time Beau sneezes I decided to restrain myself (I kept repeating "It's just a cold, it's just a cold..."). Seriously though he was all smiles and no fever so I was pretty cool with my decision.

The departure day came and I got sooooo sick at school that I left early after my intern said, "Look, if they can't find a sub...I've got it." to which I replied, "Thank you Jesus!" and went home to sleep for 5 hours straight (Best. Sleep. Ever.) Evan got home with Sir Coughs-A-Lot and off we went to the Great State of Louisiana (with a slight hour detour on route 17....yeah, ask my husband about that awesomeness). We arrived in my hometown in the wee hours of the morning to be greeted my the WOOT-WOOT blue flashing lights of the hometown po-po. YAY! We had only been exceeding the speed limit to make up for the rt 17 detour into the depths of rural Alabama hell complete with folks burning "things" in the roadside ditch at an ungodly hour (we hoped it wasn't a body-at one point we did consider turning around to ask them where in the Hades we were and how do we get back to civilization, but we didn't want to become "that young family missing since Friday"). I digress...back to the police. Immediately I said to Evan, "If he asks where we are headed tell him Neal's house." Evan replied, "OK, what if doesn't ask that?" I said, "Work Neal's name in whatever you have to do." For those of you that don't know, my cousin Neal is a State Trooper and his daddy is the mayor. The officer came up to the window and asked, "So where are y'all headed?" Evan replied, "Neal H.'s house sir." So here was the officer's response as Evan tried to hand him our proof of insurance and driver's license, "Oh I don't need all that see'ns how y'all have your seat belts on and the little one's in a car seat. Just remember to slow down as you get to that gas station comin' into town because the speed limit drops. Take care." SA-WEET! I'm still pretty amazed that it was that easy. Neal says we owe him 50 bucks which he claims would be way cheaper than the ticket. Love, love, love my family! Side note-it befuddles Evan that my family considers 5th cousins twice removed (exaggeration of course...sort of) to be immediate family.

Back to Sir-Coughs-A Lot. Granny is a prime critic of my ushering Beau to the doc all the fact, I do believe that she and my brother Darren recently had a nice little chuckle at my expense. According to her, Darren felt that she should take of Beau for awhile so the little one might have some time off from visiting el medico. Way to be supportive big bro! Anywhoo, he hacked, wheezed, sneezed, choked, and made a HUGE production for Granny so the next morning guess what she said? "We need to take him up to to clinic."'s not just me people! FYI- the doc at the clinic was a vet-years ago mind you. He went back to med school and is an awesome doc! Evan likes to say that we finally decided to see if a vet could do anything for the vet put him on breathing treatments and heart worm pills...the heart worm pills are working wonders. JOKE PETA people, just a little 'ole joke!

So what happened since I didn't act on instinct, rush my child to the doctor, and pay the copay to find out that nada was wrong? He wound up on baby steroids, antibiotics, and breathing treatments. Let me tell you how much fun everyone thinks that is...a whole barrel full! We especially love, love, love Beau being on the juice! His disposition has been so irritable, hungry, and well...awake.

He can't sleep except for 20-30 minutes at a time. We feel like we've won the lotto if he sleeps a couple of hours. We started him on cereal thinking that since he was soooo hungry maybe we could fill him up and he would sleep longer...nope, no can do. The hissy fit he throws is NOT a pretty sight-he screams, goes into rigor, and throws his head back if he thinks it's nappy-nap or nighty-night time.

He'll eventually pass out in our arms while we rock and ply him with food. That doesn't mean he's asleep though. Oh no, no. If you lay him down his eyes will open and he gives you this look and cry like "I know you'd like me to sleep, but I do so prefer the rocking chair so pick me back up and head back to the living room where I can throw a least one more hissy fit and wear myself out. Let's try that...Shall we?"

Once we get him into bed(asleep), should he be on the verge of waking this is what happens- he takes his right leg and slams it into the mattress-WHAM. This is what we call the Leg of Thor. It is his warning to us that he is waking and somebody had best get up, get a bottle ready, and be prepared for the long haul. His next WHAM is letting you know that your time is seriously running out and if you didn't get up the first time, you'd best get your butt in gear. Normally this is followed by sucking the "finners" and finally the wide eyed look that says, "Hey, why hasn't anybody picked me up yet...the Leg of Thor has spoken."
"Sorry Uncle Bubba, I haven't slept in awhile and I'm all jazzed up from the 'roids."

"Hey Granny, I just gave Mike the creepy crud and he doesn't even realize's funny!"
"I like the train Aunt Bibby...hold on tight to me please!"

"My Aunt Sissy is High-Larious!" "Ella Kate won't let me go-you sure? She does know I'm not one of her dolls, right?!"

"Hey Raychel, tote me over there...that looks interesting."

"I love visiting my Granny- she's the bestest Granny in the world!"

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