Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hell Hath No Fury...

like me saying my child is feeling better. Time: 12:30 p.m. Place: bed What: a cough Here's how it went down. Evan wakes me up, "He's coughing. I think he's choking on something." Me, scrambling out of bed in a sprint to snatch up my child with an incredulous look on my face that said, "Well, are you gonna let him choke?" Then everyone woke up and realized...the cold was back. Ahhhhh, great, just GREAT! I begin my tirade that starts out, "I HATE DAYCARE....." when Evan stopped me and says, "I don't think it was daycare. He was only there a couple of hours." Here is his hypothesis: it was the Cough Heard 'Round the World(see previous post). Oh snap! Lemme just shut my mouth and go get the antibiotics for my baby.

Even though the cold is back we did get some cute pics of him yesterday...enjoy!

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