Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day Care Woes

Yep, Beau was in day care one day...count it....ONE freakin' day...and got THE.WORST. COLD. EVER. Since he's only seven weeks old we erred on the side of caution and schlepped him to the pediatrician yesterday. Diagnosis: cold. Treatment: not a whole heck of a lot. One thing the doc did say was to watch his temp and if it gets above 100.5 call and take him to Pediatric Afterhours.

Now I spent a lot of time and effort choosing the perfect thermometer for Beau. We spent a considerable amount of dough on a fancy number that has interchangeable parts depending on how you want to take his temp with a handy-dandy carrying case and all that hot jazz. It's digital and reads temp at the speed of light. Fabulous! So last night when he wouldn't eat and got all fussy I took his temp (rectally thank you very much) and almost passed out when it read 100.4. Evan said to calm down and retake it when Beau had a chance to calm down. I did at which point it read 101.7. That's when we both almost fell out. Away we went to Afterhours (apparently you get the star treatment when you have a 2 month old running a temp...we were taken to the "private" waiting room).

Beau was ushered in to have his temp read...wait for it...99.7 as he giggled and smiled for the nurse. That's my child! So apparently we own an expensive and crappy thermometer. We stopped by Walgreens on the way home and bought the $5 one that was recommended. NICE! I love that hot feeling of embarrassment that washes over you as the nurse and doc give you THAT look.

Oh, and thank you day if you aren't expensive we have some doctor bills to add to the tally. YEA!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to "Mommyhood!" They do not come with instructions, so you do the best you can! It's what we all did! You are doing great!! Can't wait to meet him!!


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