Monday, February 22, 2010

I luv mah finners!

This was a weekend full of firsts for Beau. I think he would say, if he could talk, that the most important thing is that he found his right hand which is full of fingers that he can shove into his mouth. Since he can't talk, we(mostly Evan)have given him a voice and for some odd reason he can't pronounce the "g" in "fingers" it comes out "finners". As in, "These are the best tastin' finners in the whole world." Now this coming from two teachers who constantly correct people's grammar and who swore up and down that they were not going to baby talk their child...we didn't want him growing up saying things like "finners". So now we will most likely have a child who says "finners" along with the detested "passie". He'll also know his diaper as a "diapey", his bottle as a "ba ba" and think his name is "Fart Blossom" or "Toots McGee". Ahhhh, we've become those parents.

On to the "finners". I love the fact that he is so enamored with them that he trys to cram his whole hand into his mouth which in turn makes him gag. He will then look surprised like, "Hey...why'd you do that?" then he'll do it again. Heaven help us when he figures how to get just his thumb in his mouth!

Beau decided this weekend that his infant carrier known to us as a "papoose" is NOT a torture device meant to make baby boys scream in terror and fear. It is, he discovered, a pleasant way to enjoy the outdoors and an even better way to get Mommy to hold you all day long while she does chores like laundry. Its unfortunate that he looks like he's in a neck brace though.

Because it was so nice out this weekend we hauled out the massive stroller and off we went on our first shopping extravaganza. Beau absolutely loved it...granted he slept most of the time given the sleep inducing qualities of the stroller which are very similar to the car. He enjoyed entertaining the masses at Red Robin while he scarfed down four ounces, burped loudly, and smiled like he had accomplished something. The man at the table next to us let me know on his way back from the bathroom with his kids in tow that Beau's diaper change was going well..."Thanks sir! Glad my husband and son haven't fallen in!".

There was a small SNAFU in Wal-Mart...we didn't plan well and Beau needed to be fed...then, RIGHT THEN PEOPLE! So yes, I will eventually get over the shame of having to give my son a bottle in least it was the nicer Wal-Mart in Columbus. I mean, I didn't see anyone there with Sponge Bob pj's tucked into rain boots escorting his mother/girlfriend?? who didn't see the need to put her teeth in that day. So I knew we were in an upscale Wal-Mart...hopefully too many cooties didn't jump onto his bottle. When we finally made it home Evan looked at me and said, "I haven't been this tired since the first night in the hospital." No all we have to do is feed him three or four more times, bathe him, and rock him until we fall asleep!

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