Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Never, Ever Wake a Sleeping Baby...NEVER

I am finally updating the blog now that Beau is feeling better. I didn't want to be redundant with the whole: Feb. 8- sick, Feb. 9- still sick, Feb. 10-wait...yep, sick.

To summarize I took my mom's advice: "Just keep taking him to the doctor until they do something!". It worked- antibiotics are miraculous AND Beau loves bubble-gum flavor. He sucks it down and gives me a look as if "Is that all you got lady?". He finished his rear-end cream today...we're happy to say the rear is clear! So all is looking up for the little man. It probably helped that he didn't go to daycare Friday or Monday. Now, he returned to daycare today so it could all go to hell in a matter of hours...fingers crossed everyone!

On to the subject of my post-my precious, sleeping angel and the evil one who woke him.. Beau has just gone down for the night...9:30...thank you Sweet Jesus! Evan and I are are ecstatic as we quietly and quickly throw on PJ's and dive into bed. I am fighting a cold so I walk into the bathroom, get a tissue, quietly blow my nose, open the door...quiet as a mouse...and then it happened...I coughed. Not even a loud cough, more like I cleared my throat...a mere hiccup. And he's up...party's over! The whimpering started. Thank you all for coming! I cringed when I saw the look on my husband's face...he was actually considering domestic partner abuse. He continued to shoot me murderous looks as he threw back the covers, got Beau, and stalked out to the living room. I felt really bad...seriously I did! I said I was sorry several times as I climbed into bed and turned off the lamp. I even apologized again when he brought a sleeping Beau back to the room and said, "Shhhhhhh, just go back to sleep.".

Fast forward to early morning. Beau still sleeps in the room with us (you can just save your "he-should-be-sleeping-in-his-own-room" comments...he still sleeps in our room...end O'discussion). Evan can't sleep without the TV on and I have become accustomed to the light the TV provides. This morning at 4 a.m. on the dot after I had put Beau down after a feeding, Dish Network rebooted it's system. This caused our TV, which was turned up to 13, to emit a looouuuddd poltergeist-ish white noise scream which caused Evan and I to jump up and scramble, fighting through covers and pillows for the remote which was lost in the bed. He found it first and desperately mashed the volume button until the TV was quiet. We sat there panting quietly and eyeing each other accusingly as if to say, "Why did you have the TV up so loud?" Neither of us said a word we just turned to Beau because surely he was awake...I mean he startles when the cat poots. Nope...sound asleep...arms overhead, legs spread, snoring. I guess the lesson here is to get him to go to sleep we should just go 'round banging pots and pans and whisper when we need him to wake up...never will I understand.

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